
In this course, we will collaborate in groups to initiate the development of our CAPSTONE projects. Students will simultaneously create a prototype/demo for a proposed system while documenting the entire process. This prototype/demo will serve as the foundation for the subsequent project implementation course, BTS630.

There will be no regular lectures in this course. Rather, each group will have a sequence of meetings with their instructor over the course of four Scrum Sprints. These meetings will take place at timeslots chosen by the students. Attendance is mandatory, but students can choose to meet either in person via MS Teams.

It is essential to note that the prototype/demo will not include all the functionality expected in the final project implementation. It may exclude certain required scenarios and incorporate several simplifications, which will be refined in BTS630. Nevertheless, it is crucial to understand from the outset that the prototype/demo represents a functional version of the final product. In other words, the majority of the work you do in this course will involve coding and documenting your code.


Item Qtd Marks
Documentation 4 8%/32%
Meeting Performance 8 2.5%/20%
Implementation 4 12%/48%

Academic Honesty

Make sure to learn and abide to Seneca's academic honesty policies. Not knowing a particular policy will never be accepted as a valid excuse.
Remember that, implicitly within every test, exam, and assignment you submit, you are stating that it contains your own work. The three most often scenarios of academic dishonesty are: using material obtained from the internet, using AI to generate your answers, and using material obtained from another student.


Week 01
Jan 6th - 10th

Welcome and Introduction

In this lecture, students are welcomed to the BTS530 course. The course delivery format and evaluation criteria are then discussed. Finally, the expected behavior for group work and the rules for version control are explained. This week, students will also have the opportunity to meet individually or in groups with their instructor.

Week 02
Jan 13th - 17th

Sprint Planning I

This week, we will have Sprint Planning meetings. Before the meetings, all students must create issues in their team's repositories, following the provided template. During the meetings, clear expectations will be set regarding what needs to be implemented for each issue to be considered successfully completed.

Documentation 2.0%
Meeting Performance - 2.5%
Week 03
Jan 20th - 24th

Sprint Implementation I

This week is dedicated to allowing students to work on the issues they have assigned to themselves. Groups are welcome to request additional meetings during this week if needed. These meetings can be used to clarify expectations or suggest changes to what needs to be implemented. During this time, each student must update their issue with a comment entitled weekly scrum.

Documentation - 2.0%
Week 04
Jan 27th - 31st

Sprint Review I

This week, we will hold Sprint Review meetings. Before these meetings, all students must resolve their issues, close them with a comment entitled Sprint Retrospective (following the provided template), and merge their work into their team's main repository. During the meetings, each student must demonstrate the work they have completed during the sprint.

Documentation - 4.0%
Meeting Performance - 2.5%
Implementation - 12.0%
Week 05
Feb 3rd - 7th

Sprint Planning II

This week, we will have Sprint Planning meetings. Before the meetings, all students must create issues in their team's repositories, following the provided template. During the meetings, clear expectations will be set regarding what needs to be implemented for each issue to be considered successfully completed.

Documentation 2.0%
Meeting Performance - 2.5%
Week 06
Feb 10th - 14th

Sprint Implementation II

This week is dedicated to allowing students to work on the issues they have assigned to themselves. Groups are welcome to request additional meetings during this week if needed. These meetings can be used to clarify expectations or suggest changes to what needs to be implemented. During this time, each student must update their issue with a comment entitled weekly scrum.

Documentation - 2.0%
Week 07
Feb 17th - 21st

Sprint Review II

This week, we will hold Sprint Review meetings. Before these meetings, all students must resolve their issues, close them with a comment entitled Sprint Retrospective (following the provided template), and merge their work into their team's main repository. During the meetings, each student must demonstrate the work they have completed during the sprint.

Documentation - 4.0%
Meeting Performance - 2.5%
Implementation - 12%
Week 08
Feb 24th - 28th

Study Week

Week 09
March 3rd - 7th

Sprint Planning III

This week, we will have Sprint Planning meetings. Before the meetings, all students must create issues in their team's repositories, following the provided template. During the meetings, clear expectations will be set regarding what needs to be implemented for each issue to be considered successfully completed.

Documentation 2.0%
Meeting Performance - 2.5%
Week 10
March 10th - 14th

Sprint Implementation III

This week is dedicated to allowing students to work on the issues they have assigned to themselves. Groups are welcome to request additional meetings during this week if needed. These meetings can be used to clarify expectations or suggest changes to what needs to be implemented. During this time, each student must update their issue with a comment entitled weekly scrum.

Documentation - 2.0%
Week 11
March 17th - 21st

Sprint Review III

This week, we will hold Sprint Review meetings. Before these meetings, all students must resolve their issues, close them with a comment entitled Sprint Retrospective (following the provided template), and merge their work into their team's main repository. During the meetings, each student must demonstrate the work they have completed during the sprint.

Documentation - 4.0%
Meeting Performance - 2.5%
Implementation - 12.0%
Week 12
March 24th - 28th

Sprint Planning IV

This week, we will have Sprint Planning meetings. Before the meetings, all students must create issues in their team's repositories, following the provided template. During the meetings, clear expectations will be set regarding what needs to be implemented for each issue to be considered successfully completed.

Documentation (Issues) - 2.0%
Meeting Performance - 2.5%
Week 13
March 31st - Apr 4th

Sprint Implementation IV

This week is dedicated to allowing students to work on the issues they have assigned to themselves. Groups are welcome to request additional meetings during this week if needed. These meetings can be used to clarify expectations or suggest changes to what needs to be implemented. During this time, each student must update their issue with a comment entitled weekly scrum.

Documentation - 2.0%
Week 14
April 7th - 11th

Sprint Review IV

This week, we will hold Sprint Review meetings. Before these meetings, all students must resolve their issues, close them with a comment entitled Sprint Retrospective (following the provided template), and merge their work into their team's main repository. During the meetings, each student must demonstrate the work they have completed during the sprint.

Documentation - 4.0%
Meeting Performance - 2.5%
Implementation - 12%

To pick a timeslot, you will need to use a unique group ID that will be provided to your group via email. Ensure that you confirm with your teammates that the selected timeslot works for everyone. Students are expected to attend all meetings, either in person or online using a computer capable of demonstrating their work.

Monday (online)
11:40 - 12:00 - available
12:00 - 12:20 - Group 22
12:30 - 12:50 - Group 25
12:50 - 13:10 - Group 14

Tuesday (online)
11:40 - 12:00 - available 12:00 - 12:20 - available 12:30 - 12:50 - available
12:50 - 13:10 - Group 27
13:20 - 13:40 - Group 24
15:30 - 15:50 - Group 19
15:50 - 16:10 - Group 13
11:20 - 11:40 - Group 12

Thursday (in-person)
12:35 - 12:55 - Group 23
12:55 - 13:15 - available
13:25 - 13:45 - Group 17
13:45 - 14:05 - Group 20
15:30 - 15:50 - Group 11
15:50 - 16:10 - Group 18